E.F. Barrett Power Station §316(b) SPDES Permitting & SEQR Analysis

E.F. Barrett Power Station §316(b) SPDES Permitting & SEQR Analysis

Project Description


In 2009, the NYSDEC determined that BTA for Barrett was wet closed- cycle cooling  (CCC)  to assure the  protection and propagation of a balanced, indigenous community (BIC)  in  the receiving waters  as required by New York State regulations and the State ’s BTA Policy CP -52.


As part of SPDES permitting, ASA assisted National Grid in the evaluation of BTA alternatives for minimizing the environmental effects of Barrett’s CWIS and thermal discharge on receiving waters of Hempstead Bay.


ASA conducted extensive biological monitoring and IM/E analyses, including biothermal analyses, to establish the BIC for the thermal  mixing zone and control areas demonstrating that alternatively,  the BIC would be assured with Installation of variable speed drives (VSD)  and Hydrolox™ screens with fish protection features and continuous operation.