Development of Restoration Alternatives for Salmon Kill Creek

Development of Restoration Alternatives for Salmon Kill Creek

Project Description


The Salmon Kill Creek is located in northwest Connecticut and flows to the Housatonic River. The stream was identified as a priority restoration and habitat enhancement project by Trout Unlimited due to loss of critical trout habitat. Historically, the Salmon Kill Creek valley had undergone several generations of anthropogenic impacts which decreased critical habitat elements needed to support cold water fisheries.


Working along with a consulting engineering team and Trout Unlimited, ASA identified optimal locations for restoration features with emphasis on features to establish productive trout habitat.


ASA conducted an iterative design process which included private and public stakeholders to focus design efforts on reach locations that lacked trout habitat features. ASA collected relevant habitat data to identify the main factors limiting trout population success. Data acquired during the habitat assessment was synthesized to augment preferred conceptual alternatives for consideration by Trout Unlimited.  Stakeholder meetings were held to present the preferred design alternative, gather landowner input, and identify construction costs.